Growing Garlic in Alabama: A Bounty of Flavor and Health

Growing Garlic in Alabama: A Bounty of Flavor and Health

While Alabama is not normally known as an ideal area to grow garlic, it is home toWicked Garlic, a small organic farm run by Sabrina and Adam Mauro. The couple enjoys the many healthy benefits this staple provides and how it elevates almost any dish. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice enthusiast, garlic cultivation in Alabama can be a rewarding endeavor. We believe in employing organic methods and utilizing the state's advantageous climate and soil conditions.

Wicked Garlic, a local farm in Ardmore, was established during the COVID pandemic. We realized it's best to grow local products and minimize the many touch points produce goes through to end up in consumers' hands. It’s Wicked Garlic's third year as an organic farm and we have learned what grows best through trial and error after growing our own garlic for over 10 years. Listed below are the garlic types we’ll grow this year for the public. We are very excited to bring our crop to local farmers markets and share it with all!




Chesnok Red: Originating from the Republic of Georgia, is celebrated for its rich, complex flavor that intensifies when roasted. It boasts beautiful purple stripes on its bulb wrappers and cloves that are easy to peel, making it a favorite for gourmet dishes and garlic braids.

Regatusso: Hailing from Italy, is prized for its large bulbs with a strong, pungent flavor. It is known to be particularly spicy when raw but mellows out beautifully when cooked, adding depth to Mediterranean and Italian cuisines.

Music: Beloved for its large, easy-to-peel cloves and robust, full-bodied flavor. It grows well in colder climates and retains its taste well when stored, making it a favorite among northern gardeners and chefs.

German Hardy: Thrives in colder climates and is known for its adaptability and strong, spicy flavor. It produces large bulbs with easy-to-peel cloves and stores well, making it a reliable choice for both home gardeners and commercial growers.

Spanish Roja: Prized for its bold, rich flavor that adds depth to dishes. It features beautiful purple stripes on its bulb wrappers and cloves that vary in size, offering a complex taste profile that enhances soups, stews, and roasted meats.

Silver White: Recognized for its mild flavor and creamy white bulb wrappers. It produces large, plump cloves that are easy to peel and are often used fresh in salads, dressings, and marinades where a subtle garlic flavor is desired.

Italy Hill: Known for their long storage life and mild, buttery flavor. Italy Hill Softnecks are versatile in the kitchen, lending themselves well to dishes where a delicate garlic essence is desired.




For those opting to cultivate garlic organically in Alabama, several techniques can enhance crop health and yield. Raised beds are particularly advantageous, providing well-drained soil and easier management of garlic's specific needs. Organic practices include enriching the soil with compost to improve fertility, mulching to conserve moisture and using cover crops, such as buckwheat or a field pea/oats mix to suppress weeds and add nitrogen into the soil.




Choosing locally grown garlic over imports from other countries supports Alabama farmers and ensures fresher, higher-quality products. By purchasing from local farmers, consumers contribute to the state's economy while enjoying garlic that is harvested at its peak flavor and nutritional content.

We want everyone to know, growing garlic in Alabama is not only feasible but also rewarding. Whether you're aiming to enrich your culinary creations or take advantage of the health benefits, garlic cultivation in Alabama offers a pathway to flavorful success rooted in local goodness and community support.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Sweet Grown Alabama.